So I previously blogged about being sick & my fabulous ER experience but never mentioned how my follow up visit with my dr. went & I KNOW you're dying to find out. I have whooping cough. Say whaaat? My first thought went to the ancient Oregon Trail computer game and all the diseases everyone caught & then tragically died. Dramatic. Then she told me it's commonly called Pertussis now & it's highly contagious. That would've been nice to know the first time I came in. She said the only Rx that really helps a cough like that is something with a steroid in it. I proceeded to tell her "yes, that would have helped when I couldn't breath & had to go to the ER on a Friday night & now have a hefty bill to pay". I said it in a nice way. Needless to say I wasn't too happy with this new diagnosis but at least I wasn't contagious...anymore. I'm still coughing but only use my inhaler at night. Anyway, my sweet boss lady is now sick with the exact same symptoms as I started with & I feel awful. I am just hoping she gets to the dr. soon & doesn't come back to work until she's feeling better. I always bitch about "those" people who will come to work all pathetic & sickly. Yeah that was me a few weeks ago. Even though everyone in the office told me to go home & rest, ugh! Next time someone tells me to go home, I'm not even going to give it a second thought!
Wednesday after I got home from work, I did my power yoga. I was amazed how sore my legs were the next morning, especially my hamstrings. Last night I did Kenpo X. Intense. I tried a new pre workout drink that was amazeballs. It gave me a ton of energy, I was super focused & my form was awesome.
And I had this to glance at while while I was working out! Too precious!
Hi momma |
At one point she just couldn't keep her little eyes open! |
I'm so pretty
I have fun plans for Saturday that I'll be blogging about next week, have a great weekend!
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